Women’s Ministries at Mount Olive provides a way for the women of the congregation to use their time and abilities in meaningful ways of service for their Savior as well as members of the congregation while making friendships and connecting with other women. With a variety of ministries, opportunities exist for any level of skill or interest.
Where will you connect with others here at Mount Olive?
We look forward to meeting you!
2024-25 Events

Upcoming & Past Events

2024 Fall Retreat
Last Saturday, nearly eighty women of all ages and walks of faith gathered to grow and learn about Women Mentoring Women at our annual Women’s Ministry Fall Retreat! Thank you

2023 Fall Retreat
For this year’s Fall Retreat, the Mount Olive Women’s Ministry co-hosted the event with St. Matthew’s Women’s Ministry. There was an amazing turnout for our morning of fellowship! The morning

Spring Mission Dinner 2023
Did you know just $38 can feed a child in Africa 3 meals a week for the entire school year? On April 18, 2023, LWMS hosted a group of Christian

LWMS Spring Rally 2023
Join the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society for this uplifting event at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Appleton on April 22nd.